Édith Piaf needs not be introduced. French chanteuse Édith Piaf ("the little sparrow") died in 1963 at age 47. But her legend as France's greatest female singer lives on. Judy Garland's French cousin (with a similar glorious and tragic destiny), she was a sublime performer gifted with a unique voice. Here she performs in English one of her most famous songs, Lovers for a day, at the Carnegie Hall of New York, in 1957. Enjoy!

A great song ("I've got you under my skin") from the movie Boum sur Paris (1954):
Je t'ai dans la peau
Another great standard by Édith Piaf:
Mon manège à moi
Je t'ai dans la peau
Mon manège à moi
Edith Piaf is absolutely the greatest!! Her music puts you in a different place...a different mood....it lifts your spirit and puts you right in the middle of Paris. Her music makes you want to dance and move and sing and cry.....it wonderful. Patti
This comment is to say thanks, i dont comment often, but when i do it's always for some thing really very good.
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